Sea Cliff Nutrition Committee. The Apple People

Sea Cliff Nutrition Committee. The Apple People

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Get Ready for Slow Food USA's Take Back the Value Meal Campaign

On Sept. 17th, take the challenge to create a healthy meal for $5 - read more here from Slow Food USA's email about their new campaign - The $5 Challenge:
Get together for a slow food meal that costs less than $5/person & take back the value meal!
“I want to eat healthy, local food but I have no time, not much money and no clue how to pull it off. What can I do?” - pretty much everyone
Dear Sara,
Slow food shouldn’t have to cost more than fast food. It shouldn’t be harder to feed our children fruit than it is to feed them Froot Loops. But against the odds, every day there are people all over the country who manage to cook healthy food on a budget. We need to make cooking and eating this way a possibility for everyone.
That’s why we’re launching the $5 Challenge.
On September 17, take the challenge: share a healthy delicious meal that costs less than $5 per person. You can cook slow food for yourself and your family for less than $5 per person. You can host a potluck where nothing costs more than $5. You can cook for a crowd and charge $5 at the door. You get the idea – and so will thousands of others when we tell the stories we gather on this day.
Click here to read more and take the challenge.>>
Then check out our web site for tips, tricks and recipes.
This day will give us a clearer sense of what needs to change about the way food works, in order to make this a reality for everyone. Bringing people together around the table is the best way to educate and advocate for good, clean, and fair food.
Join us! Take the challenge. Together we can take back the value meal. 

- Josh Viertel
President, Slow Food USA
P.S. Even if you can’t do an event on the 17th, you can still take the challenge and share a meal with family and friends. Click here to sign up – every action counts.

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